.. meta:: :description: Guide to installing a Dash ElectrumX server :keywords: dash, electrum, guide, setup .. _electrumx: ================ ElectrumX Server ================ ElectrumX is a lightweight Electrum server written in Python that supports a variety of cryptocurrencies including Dash. It provides the backend services necessary to support the :ref:`Dash Electrum wallet `. An ElectrumX server requires running a full node in addition to the ElectrumX software. The following steps assume a Dash Core full node has already been installed on the server and is configured with transaction indexing enabled (``txindex=1`` in ``dash.conf``). .. note:: Please see :ref:`this page (VPS setup)` and :ref:`this page (OS setup)` for details regarding server configuration. **When creating the new user, use** ``electrumx`` **for the user name.** Check Dash Core Configuration ============================= Before beginning the ElectrumX setup, make sure that your Dash Core node is configured to allow RPC access and perform transaction indexing. These settings can be checked by viewing the ``dash.conf`` configuration file (:ref:`default location`). RPC Access ---------- The ``dash.conf`` file must include values for ``rpcuser``, ``rpcpassword``, and ``rpcallowip`` (it may also include ``rpcport``). They will be used in the *Set network values* step of `Install and Configure ElectrumX`_ . If the values are not present, add them as shown below. :: rpcuser=XXXXXXXXXXXXX rpcpassword=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rpcallowip= Replace the fields marked with ``XXXXXXX`` as follows: - ``rpcuser``: enter any string of numbers or letters, no special characters allowed - ``rpcpassword``: enter any string of numbers or letters, no special characters allowed Transaction Indexing -------------------- Make sure the following line is present in ``dash.conf``. If it's not present, add it and restart the node using the ``-reindex`` option. Note that reindexing can take a long time. .. code-block:: shell txindex=1 Install Dependencies ==================== Python 3.7 is required for ElectrumX, ``build-essential`` and ``-dev`` version of Python are required for ``x11_hash``, and ``daemontools`` is required to manage the ElectrumX service. Install Python 3.7 and the required build tools via the package system: .. code-block:: shell sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # the repo with python3.7 sudo apt update sudo apt install -y software-properties-common build-essential daemontools python3.7-dev python3-pip Now that Python 3.7 is installed, make it the default version: .. code-block:: shell sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 1 Since the default version of Python has potentially changed, reinstall setuptools and then install X11 library: .. code-block:: shell pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall setuptools pip3 install x11_hash Generate an SSL key and an associated certificate file for the server: .. code-block:: shell openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt Install and Configure ElectrumX =============================== Install ElectrumX ----------------- Clone ElectrumX from GitHub via git: .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/spesmilo/electrumx.git Build and install the project: .. code-block:: shell cd electrumx && sudo python3 setup.py install && pip3 install . --upgrade && cd Configure ElectrumX ------------------- Create the ElectrumX directories and copy files into them. These directories will be located in the ``electrumx`` user's home directory: .. code-block:: shell mkdir -p scripts service data/electrumx-server var/log/electrumx cp -R /home/electrumx/electrumx/contrib/daemontools scripts/electrumx Set the server banner message and the coin type that the server will host: .. code-block:: shell echo '$SERVER_SUBVERSION running on $DAEMON_SUBVERSION' > /home/electrumx/electrumx/banner echo "/home/electrumx/electrumx/banner" > scripts/electrumx/env/BANNER_FILE echo "Dash" > scripts/electrumx/env/COIN Set network values: ElectrumX requires Dash Core RPC details so it can connect properly. Set ``RPC_USER``, ``RPC_PASS``, ``RPC_IP``, and ``RPC_PORT`` variables to the values found in your ``dash.conf`` file. These values were previously checked in the `RPC Access`_ section. Use the values provided below for the ElectrumX network setting if configuring a Testnet server. If configuring a Mainnet server, use the alternate values shown in the comments. .. code-block:: shell # Values from dash.conf RPC_USER=user RPC_PASS=pass RPC_IP= RPC_PORT=19998 # 9998 for mainnet # ElectrumX network settings NETWORK=testnet # or "mainnet" PORT_01=51001 # or 50001 for mainnet PORT_02=51002 # or 50002 for mainnet EXTERNAL_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me) # Write configuration details to ElectrumX script files echo "http://$RPC_USER:$RPC_PASS@$RPC_IP:$RPC_PORT/" > scripts/electrumx/env/DAEMON_URL echo "/home/electrumx/data/electrumx-server/" > scripts/electrumx/env/DB_DIRECTORY echo "/home/electrumx/electrumx/electrumx_server" > scripts/electrumx/env/ELECTRUMX echo "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" > scripts/electrumx/env/LOG_FORMAT echo "128" > scripts/electrumx/env/MAX_SESSIONS # might want less on testnet, something like 32 echo "$NETWORK" > scripts/electrumx/env/NET echo "tcp://$EXTERNAL_IP:$PORT_01,ssl://$EXTERNAL_IP:$PORT_02" > scripts/electrumx/env/REPORT_SERVICES echo "tcp://:$PORT_01,ssl://:$PORT_02,rpc://" > scripts/electrumx/env/SERVICES # Enable firewall access for ElectrumX ports and reload ufw sudo ufw allow $PORT_01 # ElectrumX sudo ufw allow $PORT_02 # ElectrumX sudo ufw reload Set the SSL values: .. code-block:: shell echo "/home/electrumx/server.crt" > scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_CERTFILE echo "/home/electrumx/server.key" > scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_KEYFILE Set the ElectrumX username to match our current user: .. code-block:: shell echo "electrumx" > scripts/electrumx/env/USERNAME Set the ElectrumX log directory: The log directory path is set in the ``scripts/electrumx/log/run`` file. Replace the ``/path/to/log/`` line in that file with ``/home/electrumx/var/log/electrumx``: .. code-block:: shell sed -i scripts/electrumx/log/run -e "s/\/path\/to\/log\/dir/\/home\/electrumx\/var\/log\/electrumx/" Manage ElectrumX as a service ============================= Add the service --------------- .. code-block:: shell svscan /home/electrumx/service & disown ln -s /home/electrumx/scripts/electrumx/ /home/electrumx/service/electrumx Start the service ----------------- .. code-block:: shell svc -u /home/electrumx/service/electrumx Stop the service ---------------- .. code-block:: shell svc -d /home/electrumx/service/electrumx View Logs --------- .. code-block:: shell tail -100f ~/var/log/electrumx/current .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1