.. meta:: :description: How to install the Dash wallet on your iOS device :keywords: dash, mobile, wallet, ios, installation, compile .. _dash-ios-installation: Installation ============ App Store --------- The easiest way to install the Dash Wallet for iOS is from the `App Store `__. While older versions of iOS are supported, you will need to be using iOS 10.0 or newer to use the latest version. .. image:: img/app-store.png :width: 250 px :target: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1206647026 Compiling from source --------------------- The source code for the wallet is available `here `_. The following steps describe how to download and compile the wallet from source. 1. Install `Xcode `_ from the App Store. The download is about 5GB, so this step may take some time. 2. Open **Xcode**, agree to the terms and conditions, then close the app. 3. Open the **Terminal** app and enter the following commands:: cd ~/Documents mkdir src cd src git clone https://github.com/QuantumExplorer/dashwallet.git 4. Open **Xcode** again and click **File -> Open** 5. Navigate to ``~/Documents/src/dashwallet/DashWallet.xcodeproj`` and click **Open**. 6. Click **Product > Run** to build and run the app in **Simulator**. .. figure:: img/xcode.png :width: 500px Dash iOS wallet running in Simulator after compiling in Xcode You can also make modifications to the code and sideload the app onto your iOS device. For details, see `this post on Reddit `_.