Dash P2Pool Node Setup¶
This guide describes how to set up a Dash P2Pool node to manage a pool of miners. Unlike centralized mining pools, P2Pool is based on the same peer-2-peer (P2P) model as Dash, making the pool as a whole highly resistant to malicious attacks, and preserving and protecting the decentralized nature of Dash. When you launch a P2Pool node, it seeks out, connects with, and shares data with a decentralized network of other P2Pool nodes (also known as peers). P2Pool nodes share a cryptographic chain of data representing value, similar to Dash’s blockchain. The P2Pool version is called the sharechain. The decentralized and fair nature of this mining model means mining with P2Pool is strongly encouraged. P2Pool for Dash uses the p2pool-dash software on GitHub, which is a fork of p2pool for Bitcoin. For more information, see here.
Because of the way P2Pool manages difficulty adjustments on the sharechain, it is important to maintain low latency between the miners and the P2Pool node to avoid miners submitting shares too late to enter the sharechain. When setting up your node, you need to consider its physical and network location relative to the miners you intend to connect to the node. If you operate a mining farm, your P2Pool node should probably be a physical machine on the same local network as your miners. If you plan to operate a public node, it may be best to set up your P2Pool node as a virtual machine in a data center with a high speed connection so geographically close miners can mine to your pool with relatively low latency.
This following section describes the steps to setup an Ubuntu Server running P2Pool for Dash. It has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS and Dash While a reasonable effort will be made to keep it up to date, it should be possible to modify the instructions slightly to support different versions or operating systems as necessary.
Setting up the host server¶
Download a copy of Ubuntu Server LTS from
https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server and install it on your system
according to the steps described here. If you are using a VPS such as Vultr or AWS, your provider
will most likely provide an option to install this system during
provisioning. Ensure you enable OpenSSH server during setup so you can
control your server from a remote console. Once you have access to your
server, create a new non-root user if you have not already done so using
the following command, replacing <username>
with a username of your
adduser <username>
You will be prompted for a password. Enter and confirm using a new password (different to your root password) and store it in a safe place. You will also see prompts for user information, but this can be left blank. Once the user has been created, we will add them to the sudo group so they can perform commands as root:
usermod -aG sudo <username>
Reboot your server and log in as the new user. At this point it is recommended to connect remotely using PuTTY (for Windows) or ssh (for Linux and macOS) if you have not already done so.
Setting up port forwarding¶
If you are on a private network behind a router, you will need to set up port forwarding for at least port 8999 (UDP/TCP) for access to the sharechain, as well as port 7903 (UDP/TCP) if you want your node to be accessible to the public. How this is done depends on your particular network router and is therefore beyond the scope of this documentation. An example from the popular DD-WRT open source router distribution is shown below. Guides to setting up port forwarding can be found here and here.
Take note of your IP address either from your router management interface or by visiting https://www.whatismyip.com
Option 1: Automated script setup¶
Dash community member dracocephalum has generously donated a script to automatically deploy everything required to run a p2pool-dash node under Ubuntu Server 16.04 and higher. For more details, see this forum post, or simply follow these instructions to get the script. To get fetch the script and get started, type:
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/strophy/p2pool-dash-deploy
The files will be created in the p2pool-dash-deploy folder. We now need to configure a few variables specific to your system:
nano ./p2pool-dash-deploy/p2pool.deploy.sh
Scroll down to the section labeled #Variables
and enter the
following information, replacing the <xxx>
placeholders after the
sign. Note that it may also be necessary to update the
values if they do not match the current version of Dash:
= your public IP address from the previous stepEMAIL
= your email addressPAYOUT_ADDRESS
= your DASH wallet address to receive feesUSER_NAME
= linux user nameRPCUSER
= enter a random alphanumeric rpc user nameRPCPASSWORD
= enter a random alphanumeric rpc password
Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. Then run the script:
bash ./p2pool-dash-deploy/p2pool.deploy.sh
The script will carry out all steps necessary to set up P2pool on Ubuntu Server and start dashd synchronisation. When setup is complete, you should see a message reading Installation Completed. You can now run a second script to start p2pool-dash:
bash ~/p2pool.start.sh
Your P2Pool node is now running. If you see errors similar to Error
getting work from dashd or -10 Dash Core is downloading blocks…
then you must wait until Dash finishes synchronisation. Once this is
done, you can point your miners to <ip_address>:7903
to begin
Option 2: Manual setup¶
First update your operating system as follows:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Setting up dashd¶
P2Pool requires a full Dash node to be running to get block and transaction data. To download and install Dash, visit https://www.dash.org/wallets on your computer to find the link to the latest Dash Core wallet. Click Linux, then right-click on Download TGZ for Dash Core Linux 64 Bit and select Copy link address. Go back to your terminal window and enter the following command, pasting in the address to the latest version of Dash Core by right clicking or pressing Ctrl + V:
cd ~
wget https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/download/v0.12.2.3/dashcore-
Verify the integrity of your download by running the following command and comparing the output against the value for the file as shown on the Dash website under Hash File:
sha256sum dashcore-
Create a working directory for Dash, extract the compressed archive, copy the necessary files to the directory and set them as executable:
mkdir .dashcore
tar xfvz dashcore-
cp dashcore-0.12.2/bin/dashd .dashcore/
cp dashcore-0.12.2/bin/dash-cli .dashcore/
chmod 777 .dashcore/dash*
Clean up unneeded files:
rm dashcore-
rm -r dashcore-0.12.2/
Create a configuration file using the following command:
nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf
An editor window will appear. We now need to create a configuration file specifying several variables. Copy and paste the following text to get started, then replace the variables specific to your configuration as follows:
Replace the fields marked with XXXXXXX
as follows:
: enter any string of numbers or letters, no special characters allowedrpcpassword
: enter any string of numbers or letters, no special characters allowed
The result should look something like this:
Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. You can now start running Dash on the masternode to begin synchronization with the blockchain:
You will see a message reading Dash Core server starting. You can
continue with the following steps and check synchronization periodically
using the following command. Synchronization is complete when the number
of blocks
is equal to the current number of blocks in the Dash
blockchain, as can be seen from any synchronized Dash wallet or block
~/.dashcore/dash-cli getblockcount
Setting up P2Pool¶
We will now set up the P2Pool software and its dependencies. Begin with the dependencies:
sudo apt install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web python-dev
sudo apt install gcc g++ git
Create working directories and set up p2pool-dash:
mkdir git
cd git
git clone https://github.com/dashpay/p2pool-dash
cd p2pool-dash
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd dash_hash
python setup.py install --user
We will add some optional extra interfaces to the control panel:
cd ..
mv web-static web-static.old
git clone https://github.com/justino/p2pool-ui-punchy web-static
mv web-static.old web-static/legacy
cd web-static
git clone https://github.com/johndoe75/p2pool-node-status status
git clone https://github.com/hardcpp/P2PoolExtendedFrontEnd ext
You can now start p2pool and optionally specify the payout address, external IP (if necessary), fee and donation as follows:
python ~/git/p2pool-dash/run_p2pool.py --external-ip <public_ip> -f <fee> --give-author <donation> -a <payout_address>
You can then monitor your node by browsing to the following addresses,
replacing <ip_address>
with the IP address of your P2Pool node:
- Punchy interface: http://ip_address:7903/static
- Legacy interface: http://ip_address:7903/static/legacy
- Status interface: http://ip_address:7903/static/status
- Extended interface: http://ip_address:7903/static/ext