```{eval-rst} .. meta:: :title: P2P Networks :description: This section provides an overview of the Dash P2P network protocol (not a specification). ``` # P2P Networks This section describes the Dash P2P network protocol (but it is not a specification). It does not describe the [BIP70 payment protocol](../resources/glossary.md#bip70-payment-protocol), the [GetBlockTemplate mining protocol](../guide/mining-block-prototypes.md#getblocktemplate-rpc), or any network protocol never implemented in an official version of Dash Core. All peer-to-peer communication occurs entirely over TCP. **Note**: Unless their description says otherwise, all multi-byte integers mentioned in this section are transmitted in little-endian order. Worldwide network ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 p2p-network-constants-and-defaults p2p-network-protocol-versions p2p-network-message-headers p2p-network-control-messages p2p-network-data-messages p2p-network-governance-messages p2p-network-instantsend-messages p2p-network-masternode-messages p2p-network-privatesend-messages p2p-network-quorum-messages p2p-network-deprecated-messages ```