Registered Features#

Here is a table of current feature paths and any associated DIP. Future DIPs may introduce more types.

Feature Index *


DIP Number and Name



Masternode Keys

DIP 0003: Deterministic Masternode List

The masternode related keys are located in the following sub-paths:
0'/* - Reserved
1'/* - Voting Key
2'/* - Owner Key
3'/* - Operator Key
4'/* - Platform P2P Key (ED25519)

For example, the first voting key for Dash would be at m/9'/5'/3'/1'/0


Identity Keys

DIP 0013: Identities in Hierarchical Deterministic wallets

The related keys are located in the following sub-paths:
0'/key type'/identity index'/key index'/* - Identity Authentication (details)
1'/* - Identity Registration Funding (details)
2'/* - Identity Topup Funding (details)

For example, the first Identity Registration Funding key for Dash would be at m/9'/5'/5'/1'/0


DashPay - Incoming Funds

DIP 0015: DashPay

The related keys are located in the following sub-paths: /0'/account'/*

For example, incoming funds for the first identity would be at m/9'/5'/15'/0'/*


DashPay - Auto Accept Proof

DIP 0015: DashPay

The related keys are located in the following sub-paths: 16'/expiration timestamp'

For example, the key for a proof expiring at a Unix epoch time of 1605927033 would be at m/9'/5'/16'/1605927033'

Note: all DIP 0009 paths are of the format: m / 9' / coin_type' / feature' / *

* Where applicable, the feature index matches the number of the DIP that defines the feature(s)