# Update **Usage**: `await client.platform.identities.update(identity, publicKeys, privateKeys)` **Description**: This method updates an existing identity with new or disabled public keys. It signs and broadcasts an identity update transition to the network. Parameters: | Parameters | Type | Required | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **identity** | Identity | yes | The identity object to update. | | **publicKeys** | { add?: IdentityPublicKey[]; disable?: IdentityPublicKey[] } | no | An object containing arrays of `IdentityPublicKey` objects to add or disable. | | **privateKeys**| Object | yes when adding keys | An object mapping public key IDs to their corresponding private keys for signing the new keys. | **Example**: ```js const identity = await client.platform.identities.get('yourIdentityId'); const publicKeysToDisable = ['2']; // IDs of public keys to disable await client.platform.identities.update(identity, { disable: publicKeysToDisable }); ``` **Note**: - Adding a public key requires the corresponding private key to sign the new key addition. - Disabling a key does not require its private key since the identity's key is used for the update transaction. - Make sure the identity and keys are valid and the identity has sufficient balance for the transaction fees. Returns: A promise that resolves to `true` upon successful broadcast of the identity update transition.