
Usage: await client.core.subscribeToMasternodeList(options = {})
Description: Returns a ClientReadableStream streaming of masternode list diffs (DIP-4). As a first message it returns a diff from the first block to the current tip and a diff for each new chainlocked block.

Returns : Promise|!grpc.web.ClientReadableStream<!MasternodeListResponse>

Example :

const { SimplifiedMNList, SimplifiedMNListDiff } = require('@dashevo/dashcore-lib');

const stream = await client.subscribeToMasternodeList();

const list = new SimplifiedMNList();

      .on('data', (response) => {
        const diffBuffer = Buffer.from(response.getMasternodeListDiff_asU8());
        const diff = new SimplifiedMNListDiff(diffBuffer);
    .on('error', (err) => {
        // do something with err