Dash 0.14 Upgrade Information

Official binaries are available at https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/tag/v0.14.0.0

Dash Core v0.14.0 is intended to serve as the foundation for Dash Evolution, a broadly scoped update to our network intended to facilitate and enable new payment methods and technologies. Please see the Dash Core v0.14.0 Product Brief for an overview of new features. The upgrade will take place in phases, as shown in the following diagram:



Dash Core v0.14.0.0 will automatically activate DIP0008 once 80% of the network has upgraded. Mining pools must mine an upgraded block to successfully signal the upgrade in a block, and 80% of blocks in a window must signal in order to lock in the upgrade.

Dash v0.14.0.0 adoption by miners

  • 超级节点升级状态可在 Dash Ninja 进行跟踪
  • If you are updating to Dash Core v0.14.0.0 from version 0.13.x you should be able to simply shut down the daemon and replace it with the updated binary.
  • If you are updating to Dash Core v0.14.0.0 from version < 0.13 please note that you will also need to re-index the chainstate using the “-reindex-chainstate” command.


Please see the official Release Notes for a complete listing of RPC improvements, in summary:

  • ChainLocks: chainlock status is now included in getrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, gettransaction, listtransactions, listsinceblock. getblock