

MyDashWallet 是一个适用于达世币区块链的网页界面,它的灵感源于MyEtherWallet ,而研发团队则是 。虽然它并不是在线钱包,但却能够保证用户始终全权掌控个人私钥。与其它轻钱包不同的是,它还支持高级的达世币功能,例如即时发送功能和匿名发送功能。同时,它具备非营利性、开源和免费的特点。用户可以加载钱包并以多种钱包格式完成交易:

  • Keystore钱包(基于文件)
  • Ledger硬件钱包
  • Trezor硬件钱包
  • 私钥
  • BIP39/44 HD恢复密码(即将发行)
  • BIP32 HD恢复密码(即将发行)

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.


../_images/mydashwallet-start.png ../_images/mydashwallet-opened.png

Magnum 钱包


Magnum 钱包 是支持 20 多种加密货币的在线钱包,包括达世币。该钱包将密钥保存于一个简单可下载的文本中,只有用户的密码才能解密它。同时还支持硬件钱包和内置 staking 和交易所功能。Magnum 钱包界面干净清爽,可以让用户快速简单的处理达世币交易。

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

Magnum 钱包 客服邮箱
