

MyDashWallet 是達世幣區塊鏈的網絡界面,靈感來自於 MyEtherWallet 並由` <>`_創建。它顯然不是在線錢包,這意味著你在任何時候都在控制著你的密鑰。 與許多其他輕錢包不同,MyDashWallet還支持進階的達世幣功能,如 即時到帳 和 匿名發送。 這個項目是非營利性的,開源的而且是供人免費使用的。 您可以加載錢包並以各種錢包格式進行交易:

  • 密鑰庫錢包 (file-based)
  • Ledger 硬件錢包
  • Trezor 硬件錢包
  • 私鑰
  • BIP39/44 HD 恢復詞組 (即將推出)
  • BIP32 HD 恢復詞組 (即將推出)

MyDashWallet 提供所有完整的功能和詳細的文檔。

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Magnum Wallet


Magnum Wallet is a web wallet with support for 20+ cryptocurrencies, including Dash. The wallet stores encrypted private keys in a simple downloadable text file, which can only be decrypted with the users password. Hardware wallets are also supported, and in-wallet staking and exchange functionality is available. Magnum Wallet presents a clean and simple interface, allowing users to transact quickly and easily in Dash.

Support for Magnum Wallet is available at
