

MyDashWallet 是達世幣區塊鏈的網絡界面,靈感來自於 MyEtherWallet 並由` <>`_創建。它顯然不是在線錢包,這意味著你在任何時候都在控制著你的密鑰。 與許多其他輕錢包不同,MyDashWallet還支持進階的達世幣功能,如 即時到帳 和 匿名發送。 這個項目是非營利性的,開源的而且是供人免費使用的。 您可以加載錢包並以各種錢包格式進行交易:

  • 密鑰庫錢包 (file-based)
  • Ledger 硬件錢包
  • Trezor 硬件錢包
  • 私鑰
  • BIP39/44 HD 恢復詞組 (即將推出)
  • BIP32 HD 恢復詞組 (即將推出)

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

MyDashWallet 提供所有完整的功能和詳細的文檔。

../_images/mydashwallet-start.png ../_images/mydashwallet-opened.png

Magnum Wallet


Magnum Wallet 是一個支援20多種加密貨幣的網絡錢包,包括達世幣。錢包將加密的私鑰存儲在一個簡單的可下載文本文件中,該文件只能用用戶密碼解密。 它還支持硬件錢包,並提供錢包內放樣和交換功能。Magnum Wallet提供乾淨簡潔的界面,允許用戶在快速輕鬆地進行達世幣交易。

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

您可以在 獲得對Magnum錢包的支援
