
يتطلب إعداد ماسترنود فهمًا أساسيًا لتكنولوجيا لينكس و بلوكشين ، بالإضافة إلى القدرة على اتباع الإرشادات عن كثب. كما يتطلب صيانة دورية وأمنًا دقيقًا ، خاصةً إذا كنت لا تقوم بتخزين داش على محفظة الأجهزة. هناك بعض القرارات التي يجب اتخاذها على طول الطريق ، والخطوات الإضافية الاختيارية التي يجب اتخاذها لزيادة الأمان.

Commercial masternode hosting services are available if you prefer to delegate day-to-day operation of your masternode to a professional operator. When using these hosting services, you retain full control of the 1000 DASH collateral and pay an agreed percentage of your reward to the operator. It is also possible to delegate your voting keys to a representative, see the governance documentation for more information.

قبل البدأ

This guide assumes you are setting up a single mainnet masternode for the first time. If you are updating a masternode, see here instead. You will need:

  • 1000 داش
  • محفظة لتخزين داش الخاص بك ، ويفضل أن تكون محفظة الأجهزة ، على الرغم من أن محفظة داش كور تدعم أيضا
  • خادم لينكس ، يفضل أن يكون خادمًا خاصًا افتراضيًا (VPS)

Dash 0.13.0 and later implement DIP003, which introduces several changes to how a Dash masternode is set up and operated. While this network upgrade was completed in early 2019, a list of available documentation appears below:

This documentation describes the commands as if they were entered in the Dash Core GUI by opening the console from Tools > Debug console, but the same result can be achieved on a masternode by entering the same commands and adding the prefix ~/.dashcore/dash-cli to each command.

تتبيث VPS الخاصة بك

A VPS, more commonly known as a cloud server, is fully functional installation of an operating system (usually Linux) operating within a virtual machine. The virtual machine allows the VPS provider to run multiple systems on one physical server, making it more efficient and much cheaper than having a single operating system running on the "bare metal" of each server. A VPS is ideal for hosting a Dash masternode because they typically offer guaranteed uptime, redundancy in the case of hardware failure and a static IP address that is required to ensure you remain in the masternode payment queue. While running a masternode from home on a desktop computer is technically possible, it will most likely not work reliably because most ISPs allocate dynamic IP addresses to home users.

We will use Vultr hosting as an example of a VPS, although DigitalOcean, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud, Choopa and OVH are also popular choices. First create an account and add credit. Then go to the Servers menu item on the left and click + to add a new server. Select a location for your new server on the following screen:


شاشة اختيار موقع خادم Vultr

Select Ubuntu 18.04 x64 as the server type. We use this LTS release of Ubuntu instead of the latest version because LTS releases are supported with security updates for 5 years, instead of the usual 9 months.


شاشة اختيار نوع الخادم Vultr

حدد حجم خادم يوفر ذاكرة 2 غيغابايت على الأقل.


شاشة اختيار حجم الخادم Vultr

أدخل اسم المضيف وتسمية الخادم الخاص بك. في هذا المثال ، سنستخدم dashmn1 كاسم مضيف.


شاشة اختيار تسمية مضيف خادم Vultr

سوف Vultr الآن تثبيت الخادم الخاص بك. قد تستغرق هذه العملية بضع دقائق.


شاشة تثبيت خادم Vultr

انقر فوق ادارة عند اكتمال التثبيت وتحيط علما بعنوان IP واسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.


شاشة إدارة خادم Vultr

قم بإعداد نظام التشغيل الخاص بك

سنبدأ بالاتصال بخادمك الجديد الذي تم توفيره. على ويندوز ، سنقوم أولاً بتنزيل تطبيق يسمى PuTTY للاتصال بالخادم. اذهب الى تحميل وحدد مثبت MSI المناسب لنظامك. على ماك أو لينكس يمكنك ssh مباشرة من المحطة - ببساطة اكتب ssh root@ <server_ip> و ادخل الرقم السري للإنتهاء.


صفحة التحميل PuTTY

انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوق الملف الذي تم تنزيله لتثبيت PuTTY ، ثم قم بتشغيل التطبيق من قائمة بدأ ادخل عنوان IP الخاص بالخادم في الحقل اسم المضيف وانقر فوق فتح. قد تشاهد تحذيرًا بوجود شهادة ، نظرًا لأن هذه هي المرة الأولى التي تتصل فيها بهذا الخادم. يمكنك النقر بأمان نعم للوثوق بهذا الخادم في المستقبل.


تنبيه الأمان PuTTY عند الاتصال بخادم جديد

أنت الآن متصل بخادمك ويجب أن تشاهد نافذة طرفية. قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى الخادم  الخاص بك باستخدام المستخدم root وكلمة المرور التي قدمها مزود خدمة الاستضافة الخاص بك.


تحديت كلمة المرور عند الاتصال بـ VPS الخاص بك لأول مرة

يجب تغيير كلمة مرور الجذر فوراً وتخزينها في مكان آمن للأمان. يمكنك نسخ أي من الأوامر التالية ولصقها من خلال تحديدها في المستعرض الخاص بك ، بالضغط على Ctrl + C ، ثم التبديل إلى نافذة PuTTY والنقر بزر الماوس الأيمن في النافذة. سيتم لصق النص في موقع المؤشر الحالي

passwd root

أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة وقم بتأكيدها (يفضل أن تكون طويلة ومولدة بشكل عشوائي). بعد ذلك سننشئ مستخدمًا جديدًا باستخدام الأمر التالي ، مع استبداله <username> مع اسم مستخدم من اختيارك

adduser <username>

ستتم مطالبتك بكلمة مرور. أدخل وتأكد باستخدام كلمة مرور جديدة (مختلفة عن كلمة مرور الجذر) وقم بتخزينها في مكان آمن. سترى أيضًا مطالبات بمعلومات المستخدم ، ولكن يمكن ترك هذا فارغًا. بمجرد أن يتم إنشاء المستخدم ، سنقوم  بإضافتهم إلى المجموعة sudo بحيث يمكنهم تنفيذ الأوامر كجذر

usermod -aG sudo <username>

الآن ، بينما لا يزال الجذر ، سنقوم بتحديث النظام من مستودع حزمة أوبونتو

apt update
apt upgrade

سيعرض النظام قائمة الحزم القابلة للترقية. اضغط على Y و اضغط لتثبيت الحزم. سنقوم الآن بتثبيت جدار حماية (وبعض الحزم الأخرى التي سنستخدمها لاحقًا) ، وإضافة ذاكرة مبادلة وإعادة تشغيل الخادم لتطبيق أي تحديثات ضرورية للنواة ، ثم تسجيل الدخول إلى البيئة المؤمنة حديثًا لدينا كمستخدم جديد:

apt install ufw python virtualenv git unzip pv

(اضغط Y و ادخل للتأكيد)

ufw allow ssh/tcp
ufw limit ssh/tcp
ufw allow 9999/tcp
ufw logging on
ufw enable

(اضغط Y و ادخل للتأكيد)

fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
nano /etc/fstab

أضف السطر التالي في نهاية الملف (اضغط على Tab لفصل كل كلمة / رقم) ، ثم اضغط Ctrl + X لإغلاق المحرر ، ثم Y و ادخل احفظ الملف .

/swapfile none swap sw 0 0

Finally, in order to prevent brute force password hacking attacks, we will install fail2ban and disable root login over ssh. These steps are optional, but highly recommended. Start with fail2ban:

apt install fail2ban

Create a new configuration file:

nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

And paste in the following configuration:

enabled = true
port = 22
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 3

Then press Ctrl + X to close the editor, then Y and Enter save the file. Retart and enable the fail2ban service:

systemctl restart fail2ban
systemctl enable fail2ban

Next, open the SSH configuration file to disable root login over SSH:

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Locate the line that reads PermitRootLogin yes and set it to PermitRootLogin no. Directly below this, add a line which reads AllowUsers <username>, replacing <username> with the username you selected above. Then press Ctrl + X to close the editor, then Y and Enter save the file.

Then reboot the server:

reboot now

سوف PuTTY فصل عند إعادة تمهيد الخادم.

While this setup includes basic steps to protect your server against attacks, much more can be done. In particular, authenticating with a public key instead of a username/password combination and enabling automatic security updates is advisable. More tips are available here. However, since the masternode does not actually store the keys to any Dash, these steps are considered beyond the scope of this guide.

أرسل الضمانات

A Dash address with a single unspent transaction output (UTXO) of exactly 1000 DASH is required to operate a masternode. Once it has been sent, various keys regarding the transaction must be extracted for later entry in a configuration file and registration transaction as proof to write the configuration to the blockchain so the masternode can be included in the deterministic list. A masternode can be registered from a hardware wallet or the official Dash Core wallet, although a hardware wallet is highly recommended to enhance security and protect yourself against hacking. This guide will describe the steps for both hardware wallets and Dash Core.

الخيار 1: الإرسال من محفظة الأجهزة

Set up your Trezor using the Trezor wallet at https://wallet.trezor.io/ and send a test transaction to verify that it is working properly. For help on this, see this guide - you may also choose to (carefully!) add a passphrase to your Trezor to further protect your collateral. Create a new account in your Trezor wallet by clicking Add account. Then click the Receive tab and send exactly 1000 DASH to the address displayed. If you are setting up multiple masternodes, send 1000 DASH to consecutive addresses within the same new account. You should see the transaction as soon as the first confirmation arrives, usually within a few minutes.


تريزور محفظة تلقي علامة التبويب تظهر بنجاح تلقى ضمانات من 1000 داش

بمجرد ظهور المعاملة ، انقر فوق رمز QR الموجود على اليسار لعرض المعاملة على بلوكشين. أبقِ هذه النافذة مفتوحة عندما نكمل الخطوات التالية ، حيث سنحتاج قريبًا إلى تأكيد وجود 15 تأكيدًا ، كما هو موضح في الصورة التالية.


مستكشف Trezor بلوكشين يعرض 15 تأكيدًا لنقل الضمانات

بينما ننتظر 15 تأكيدًا ، نزّل أحدث إصدار من أداة ماسترنود داش (DMT) من صفحة إصدارات GitHub هنا. بفك وتشغيل الملف. النافذة التالية تظهر.


شاشة بدء تشغيل أداة ماسترنود داش

Click the third button from the left Check Dash Network Connection in the top left corner of the main window to verify that the connection is working. Then connect your Trezor device and click the next button Test Hardware Wallet Connection to verify the Trezor connection is working.


ماسترنود داش أداة تأكيد الاتصال ناجحة

We will now use DMT to enter some basic information about the masternode and extract the transaction ID. Carry out the following sequence of steps as shown in this screenshot:


خطوات تهيئة أداة ماسترنود داش

  1. Click the New button.
  2. Enter a name for your masternode. The host name you specified for your VPS above is a good choice.
  3. Enter the IP address of your masternode. This was given to you by the VPS provider when you set up the server. Then enter the TCP port number. This should be 9999.
  4. Click Locate collateral to view unused collateral funding transactions available on the connected hardware wallet. Select the address to which you sent 1000 Dash and click Apply. The Collateral address, path, Collateral TX hash and index fields should be filled automatically.

Dash Masternode Tool with masternode configuration

Leave DMT open and continue with the next step: installing Dash Core on your VPS.

الخيار 2: إرسال من محفظة داش كور

افتح محفظة داش كور وانتظر حتى تتم مزامنتها مع الشبكة. يجب أن تبدو مثل هذه عندما تكون جاهزة:


متزامن تماما داش كور المحفظة

Click Tools > Debug console to open the console. Type the following command into the console to generate a new Dash address for the collateral:


Take note of the collateral address, since we will need it later. The next step is to secure your wallet (if you have not already done so). First, encrypt the wallet by selecting Settings > Encrypt wallet. You should use a strong, new password that you have never used somewhere else. Take note of your password and store it somewhere safe or you will be permanently locked out of your wallet and lose access to your funds. Next, back up your wallet file by selecting File > Backup Wallet. Save the file to a secure location physically separate to your computer, since this will be the only way you can access our funds if anything happens to your computer. For more details on these steps, see here.

Now send exactly 1000 DASH in a single transaction to the new address you generated in the previous step. This may be sent from another wallet, or from funds already held in your current wallet. Once the transaction is complete, view the transaction in a blockchain explorer by searching for the address. You will need 15 confirmations before you can register the masternode, but you can continue with the next step at this point already: generating your masternode operator key.


مستكشف Trezor بلوكشين يعرض 15 تأكيدًا لنقل الضمانات

تتبيت داش كور

داش كور هو البرنامج وراء كل من محفظة و داش ماسترنود. إذا لم يتم عرض واجهة المستخدم الرسومية ، فإنه يعمل كخادم على (VPS (dashd ، يتم التحكم فيه بواسطة واجهة أوامر بسيطة (dash-cli).

افتح PuTTY أو وحدة تحكم مرة أخرى وتواصل باستخدام اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور اللذين أنشأتهما للتو لمستخدمك الجديد غير الأساسي. هناك خياران لتثبيت داش كور ، وهو خيار تلقائي باستخدام أداة مساعدة نصية تسمى dashman من قِبل moocowmoo من أعضاء فريق داش كور ، وخيار أكثر تعقيدًا يسمح لك بفهم جميع الخطوات الأساسية المتضمنة في إعداد ماسترنود الخاص بك.

الخيار 1: التثبيت التلقائي باستخدام dashman

لتثبيت داش باستخدام dashman ، أدخل الأوامر التالية بعد تسجيل الدخول

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/moocowmoo/dashman
~/dashman/dashman install

(اضغط Y و ادخل للتأكيد)

dashman will download the latest version of Dash Core for your system, as well as an initial snapshot of the blockchain to speed up the bootstrapping process. Next download and install Sentinel, which is required for masternodes at version 0.12.1 or higher:

~/dashman/dashman install sentinel

Your system is now running as a standard Dash node, and is busy completing synchronisation with the blockchain. Since dashman does not automatically restart your masternode in the event of a system error, add a check function to crontab to make sure it checks every minute to ensure your masternode is still running:

crontab -e

اختر nano كمحرر وأدخل السطر التالي في نهاية الملف ، بعد السطر للحماية

* * * * * pidof dashd || ~/.dashcore/dashd

Press enter to make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file, then press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. Check the sync status and wait until all blockchain synchronisation and the 15 confirmations for the collateral transaction are complete:

~/dashman/dashman status

dashman status output showing masternode ready to be registered

Continue with the next step to register your masternode.

الخيار 2: التثبيت اليدوي

To manually download and install the components of your Dash masternode, visit the GitHub releases page and copy the link to the latest x86_64-linux-gnu version. Go back to your terminal window and enter the following command, pasting in the address to the latest version of Dash Core by right clicking or pressing Ctrl + V:

cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/download/v0.14.0.0/dashcore-

Verify the integrity of your download by running the following command and comparing the output against the value for the file as shown in the SHA256SUMS.asc file:

wget https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/download/v0.14.0.0/SHA256SUMS.asc
sha256sum dashcore-
cat SHA256SUMS.asc

You can also optionally verify the authenticity of your download as an official release by Dash Core Team. All releases of Dash are signed using GPG by Alexander Block (codablock) with the key 63A9 6B40 6102 E091, verifiable here on Keybase. Import the key, download the ASC file for the current release of Dash and verify the signature as follows:

curl https://keybase.io/codablock/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc

تحميل مفتاح PGP والتحقق من الثنائي الموقع

Create a working directory for Dash, extract the compressed archive and copy the necessary files to the directory:

mkdir ~/.dashcore
tar xfv dashcore-
cp -f dashcore-0.14.0/bin/dashd ~/.dashcore/
cp -f dashcore-0.14.0/bin/dash-cli ~/.dashcore/

قم بإنشاء ملف تكوين باستخدام الأمر التالي:

nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf

سوف تظهر نافذة المحرر. نحتاج الآن إلى إنشاء ملف تكوين يحدد عدة متغيرات. قم بنسخ النص التالي ولصقه للبدء ، ثم استبدل المتغيرات الخاصة بالتكوين كما يلي:


استبدل الحقول التي تحمل علامة XXXXXXX كما يلي:

  • rpcuser: أدخل أي سلسلة من الأرقام أو الحروف ، لا يسمح بالحروف الخاصة
  • rpcpassword: أدخل أي سلسلة من الأرقام أو الحروف ، لا يسمح بالحروف الخاصة
  • externalip: هذا هو عنوان IP الخاص بـ VPS الخاص بك

Leave the masternode and masternodeblsprivkey fields commented out for now. The result should look something like this:


إدخال بيانات المفتاح في dash.conf على ماسترنود

اضغط على Ctrl + X لإغلاق المحرر و Y و ادخل احفظ الملف. يمكنك الآن بدء تشغيل داش على ماسترنود لتبدأ التزامن مع بلوكشين


سترى رسالة تقرأ خوادم داش كور تبدأ. سنقوم الآن بتركيب الحماية ، وهو عبارة عن برنامج يعمل كجهاز مراقبة للاتصال بالشبكة التي تعمل بها العقدة بشكل صحيح

cd ~/.dashcore
git clone https://github.com/dashpay/sentinel.git
cd sentinel
virtualenv venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py

سترى رسالة تقرأ dashd لم تتم مزامنتها مع الشبكة! في انتظار المزامنة الكاملة قبل تشغيل Sentinel أضف dashd إلى crontab للتأكد من أنه يعمل كل دقيقة للتحقق من ماسترنود الخاص بك

crontab -e

اختر nano كمحرر وأدخل الأسطر التالية في نهاية الملف

* * * * * cd ~/.dashcore/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py 2>&1 >> sentinel-cron.log
* * * * * pidof dashd || ~/.dashcore/dashd

اضغط على ادخل لتتأكد من وجود سطر فارغ في نهاية الملف ، ثم اضغط Ctrl + X لإغلاق المحرر و Y و ادخل احفظ الملف. نحتاج الآن إلى الانتظار للحصول على 15 تأكيدًا لمعاملة الضمانات لإكمالها ، والانتظار حتى تنتهي عملية بلوكشين من المزامنة على ماسترنود. يمكنك استخدام الأوامر التالية لمراقبة التقدم

~/.dashcore/dash-cli mnsync status

عند اكتمال المزامنة ، سترى الاستجابة التالية:

  "AssetID": 999,
  "AssetStartTime": 1558596597,
  "Attempt": 0,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true,
  "IsSynced": true,
  "IsFailed": false

Continue with the next step to construct the ProTx transaction required to enable your masternode.

Register your masternode

DIP003 introduced several changes to how a masternode is set up and operated. These changes and the three keys required for the different masternode roles are described briefly under DIP003 Masternode Changes in this documentation.

Option 1: Registering from a hardware wallet

Go back to DMT and ensure that all fields from the previous step are still filled out correctly. Click Generate new for the three private keys required for a DIP003 deterministic masternode:

  • Owner private key
  • Operator private key
  • Voting private key

Dash Masternode Tool ready to register a new masternode

Then click Register masternode. Optionally specify a different Payout address and/or Operator reward, then click Continue. Select Remote Dash RPC Node (automatic method). (See here for documentation on using your own local RPC node.) and confirm the following two messages:


Dash Masternode Tool confirmation dialogs to register a masternode

The BLS private key must be entered in the dash.conf file on the masternode. This allows the masternode to watch the blockchain for relevant Pro*Tx transactions, and will cause it to start serving as a masternode when the signed ProRegTx is broadcast by the owner, as we just did above. Log in to your masternode using ssh or PuTTY and edit the configuration file as follows:

nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf

The editor appears with the existing masternode configuration. Add or uncomment these lines in the file, replacing the key with your BLS private key generated above:


Press enter to make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file, then press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. We now need to restart the masternode for this change to take effect. Enter the following commands, waiting a few seconds in between to give Dash Core time to shut down:

~/.dashcore/dash-cli stop
sleep 15

At this point you can monitor your masternode using ~/dashman/dashman status, by entering ~/.dashcore/dash-cli masternode status or using the Get status function in DMT. The final result should appear as follows:


dash-cli masternode status output showing successfully registered masternode

في هذه المرحلة ، يمكنك الخروج من الخادم بأمان عن طريق كتابة exit . تهانينا! الخاص بك ماسترنود قيد التشغيل الآن.

Option 2: Registering from Dash Core wallet

Identify the funding transaction

إذا استخدمت عنوانًا في محفظة داش كور للمعاملات الضمانية ، فستحتاج الآن إلى العثور على txid في المعاملة. انقر على الأدوات > وحدة تحكم التصحيح وأدخل الأمر التالي:

masternode outputs

This should return a string of characters similar to the following:

"16347a28f4e5edf39f4dceac60e2327931a25fdee1fb4b94b63eeacf0d5879e3" : "1",

The first long string is your collateralHash, while the last number is the collateralIndex.

Generate a BLS key pair

A public/private BLS key pair is required to operate a masternode. The private key is specified on the masternode itself, and allows it to be included in the deterministic masternode list once a provider registration transaction with the corresponding public key has been created.

If you are using a hosting service, they may provide you with their public key, and you can skip this step. If you are hosting your own masternode or have agreed to provide your host with the BLS private key, generate a BLS public/private keypair in Dash Core by clicking Tools > Debug console and entering the following command:

bls generate

  "secret": "395555d67d884364f9e37e7e1b29536519b74af2e5ff7b62122e62c2fffab35e",
  "public": "99f20ed1538e28259ff80044982372519a2e6e4cdedb01c96f8f22e755b2b3124fbeebdf6de3587189cf44b3c6e7670e"

These keys are NOT stored by the wallet and must be kept secure, similar to the value provided in the past by the masternode genkey command.

Add the private key to your masternode configuration

The public key will be used in following steps. The private key must be entered in the dash.conf file on the masternode. This allows the masternode to watch the blockchain for relevant Pro*Tx transactions, and will cause it to start serving as a masternode when the signed ProRegTx is broadcast by the owner (final step below). Log in to your masternode using ssh or PuTTY and edit the configuration file as follows:

nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf

The editor appears with the existing masternode configuration. Add or uncomment these lines in the file, replacing the key with your BLS private key generated above:


Press enter to make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file, then press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. We now need to restart the masternode for this change to take effect. Enter the following commands, waiting a few seconds in between to give Dash Core time to shut down:

~/.dashcore/dash-cli stop
sleep 15

We will now prepare the transaction used to register the masternode on the network.

Prepare a ProRegTx transaction

A pair of BLS keys for the operator were already generated above, and the private key was entered on the masternode. The public key is used in this transaction as the operatorPubKey.

First, we need to get a new, unused address from the wallet to serve as the owner key address (ownerKeyAddr). This is not the same as the collateral address holding 1000 Dash. Generate a new address as follows:



This address can also be used as the voting key address (votingKeyAddr). Alternatively, you can specify an address provided to you by your chosen voting delegate, or simply generate a new voting key address as follows:



Then either generate or choose an existing address to receive the owner's masternode payouts (payoutAddress). It is also possible to use an address external to the wallet:



You can also optionally generate and fund another address as the transaction fee source (feeSourceAddress). If you selected an external payout address, you must specify a fee source address. Either the payout address or fee source address must have enough balance to pay the transaction fee, or the final register_submit transaction will fail.

The private keys to the owner and fee source addresses must exist in the wallet submitting the transaction to the network. If your wallet is protected by a password, it must now be unlocked to perform the following commands. Unlock your wallet for 5 minutes:

walletpassphrase yourSecretPassword 300

We will now prepare an unsigned ProRegTx special transaction using the protx register_prepare command. This command has the following syntax:

protx register_prepare collateralHash collateralIndex ipAndPort ownerKeyAddr
  operatorPubKey votingKeyAddr operatorReward payoutAddress (feeSourceAddress)

Open a text editor such as notepad to prepare this command. Replace each argument to the command as follows:

  • collateralHash: The txid of the 1000 Dash collateral funding transaction
  • collateralIndex: The output index of the 1000 Dash funding transaction
  • ipAndPort: Masternode IP address and port, in the format x.x.x.x:yyyy
  • ownerKeyAddr: The new Dash address generated above for the owner/voting address
  • operatorPubKey: The BLS public key generated above (or provided by your hosting service)
  • votingKeyAddr: The new Dash address generated above, or the address of a delegate, used for proposal voting
  • operatorReward: The percentage of the block reward allocated to the operator as payment
  • payoutAddress: A new or existing Dash address to receive the owner's masternode rewards
  • feeSourceAddress: An (optional) address used to fund ProTx fee. payoutAddress will be used if not specified.

Note that the operator is responsible for specifying their own reward address in a separate update_service transaction if you specify a non-zero operatorReward. The owner of the masternode collateral does not specify the operator's payout address.

Example (remove line breaks if copying):

protx register_prepare


  "tx": "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",
  "collateralAddress": "yjSPYvgUiAQ9AFj5tKFA8thFLoLBUxQERb",
  "signMessage": "yjZVt49WsQd6XSrPVAUGXtJccxviH9ZQpN|0|yfgxFhqrdDG15ZWKJAN6dQvn6dZdgBPAip|yfRaZN8c3Erpqj9iKnmQ9QDBeUuRhWV3Mg|ad5f82257bd00a5a1cb5da1a44a6eb8899cf096d3748d68b8ea6d6b10046a28e"

Next we will use the collateralAddress and signMessage fields to sign the transaction, and the output of the tx field to submit the transaction.

Sign the ProRegTx transaction

We will now sign the content of the signMessage field using the private key for the collateral address as specified in collateralAddress. Note that no internet connection is required for this step, meaning that the wallet can remain disconnected from the internet in cold storage to sign the message. In this example we will again use Dash Core, but it is equally possible to use the signing function of a hardware wallet. The command takes the following syntax:

signmessage collateralAddress signMessage


signmessage yjSPYvgUiAQ9AFj5tKFA8thFLoLBUxQERb yjZVt49WsQd6XSrPVAUGXtJccxviH9ZQpN|0|yfgxFhqrdDG15ZWKJAN6dQvn6dZdgBPAip|yfRaZN8c3Erpqj9iKnmQ9QDBeUuRhWV3Mg|ad5f82257bd00a5a1cb5da1a44a6eb8899cf096d3748d68b8ea6d6b10046a28e



Submit the signed message

We will now submit the ProRegTx special transaction to the blockchain to register the masternode. This command must be sent from a Dash Core wallet holding a balance on either the feeSourceAddress or payoutAddress, since a standard transaction fee is involved. The command takes the following syntax:

protx register_submit tx sig


  • tx: The serialized transaction previously returned in the tx output field from the protx register_prepare command
  • sig: The message signed with the collateral key from the signmessage command


protx register_submit 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 II8JvEBMj6I3Ws8wqxh0bXVds6Ny+7h5HAQhqmd5r/0lWBCpsxMJHJT3KBcZ23oUZtsa6gjgISf+a8GzJg1BfEg=



Your masternode is now registered and will appear on the Deterministic Masternode List after the transaction is mined to a block. You can view this list on the Masternodes -> DIP3 Masternodes tab of the Dash Core wallet, or in the console using the command protx list valid, where the txid of the final protx register_submit transaction identifies your masternode.

At this point you can go back to your terminal window and monitor your masternode using ~/dashman/dashman status, by entering ~/.dashcore/dash-cli masternode status or using the Get status function in DMT. The final result should appear as follows:


dashman status output showing successfully registered masternode

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