
Dash Platform is a Layer 2 cryptocurrency technology that builds upon the Dash layer 1 network. The Rust SDK provides an abstraction layer to simplify usage of the Dash Platform along with data models based on the Dash Platform Protocol (DPP).

See the Quick Start page for example setup and use of the SDK.



To use this crate, define it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:


dash-sdk = { git="https://github.com/dashpay/platform" }


You can inspect tests in the tests/ folder for detailed examples or see a simple example in the examples/ folder. See the Platform Terminal User Interface (TUI) for an application that uses the SDK to execute various state transitions.


SDK documentation will be available on docs.rs once the Dash SDK crate is published. Meanwhile, the pre-release documentation is available for reference. Please keep in mind that it is incomplete and may be outdated.


The Dash Platform SDK supports mocking through the mocks feature which provides a convenient way to define mock expectations and use the SDK without a connection to Platform.

You can see examples of mocking in mock_fetch.rs and mock_fetch_many.rs.