

在您把您的提案发布到区块链之前,先从社区中得到反馈。为期约两周的讨论将帮助您了解是否有人曾在过去提出过类似的建议,以及该提案是成功还是失败。 论坛上的pre-proposal专区Dash Nation Discord频道, 以及 Reddit社区 都能得到不少反馈。把对这些渠道的讨论作为您提案的研究阶段。此后,当您的提案提交到预算系统后,将链接发送到论坛的讨论帖中,以表明您有将社区反馈纳入工作。
达世币社区是该网络最强大的特性之一,而且它总是欢迎新人。但是,由于提案的运作方式,需要存在一定的信任,相信当提案通过后,所承诺的工作能够完成。如果您是新来的,可以考虑先从一个较小的提案开始,以证明您有能力根据时间和预算完成任务。在提案上附上您的真名或 Keybase 有助于建立信任。如果您提出了一个很大金额的提案,那就召集团队,委派 (或雇佣) 一个人作为社区联络人,因为以多个账户进行交流沟通可能会产生问题。
Proposals with a video or website have a far greater chance of succeeding! Uploading a video gives your proposal a human touch and a chance to convey your enthusiasm in a way that isn’t always possible in text. Post your video to the forum and DashCentral, become a regular on Discord or run a webinar to explain the proposal and answer questions. Put some work in before you ask for funding to demonstrate your involvement with Dash - but don’t be annoying and spam many channels asking for votes.
Demonstrate your commitment to the network
If you are asking for significant funding to start up or expand a for-profit business built on Dash, you need to explain why and for how long this funding is required, and what you are offering in return. It can be very helpful to show you have skin in the game by matching the contribution provided in Dash with funds from your own business or investors. Equity or exclusivity agreements can be reached with Dash Core Group, Inc., but must be clarified in writing before the proposal is posted.
Post your proposal early and make yourself available for questions
The voting window closes 1662 blocks (or just under 3 days) before the superblock. To give the masternode operators enough time to consider, discuss and vote on your proposal, you must post it well in advance of the voting deadline - it’s better to wait for the next superblock than to rush! Most masternodes will see your proposal for the first time once it appears on the blockchain or when you claim it on DashCentral. The first few hours of discussion between masternode owners typically bring up a lot of questions and can be critical to influence opinion and voting, so make yourself available during this time.
Keep the community updated when your proposal passes
Your proposal should include details of how you plan to keep the community and network informed of your work. Meet your commitments and post regular reports so your output is clear, and make yourself available on social channels to answer questions. Remember, your ability to pass future proposals depends on your demonstrated ability to deliver and communicate.
Consider arrangements for large requests
If you are requesting a significant amount of funding, there is an understandable concern that you will deliver on your promises to the network. Reach out to trusted intermediaries such as Dash Core Group, Inc. or Green Candle, Inc. in advance for advice on escrow, and make the conditions for escrow release public and part of the proposal. If your proposal is so large that uses a significant percentage of the budget, there is a risk that approving your proposal will bump smaller proposals out of the budget. Consider breaking your proposal into smaller monthly payments instead.

See this documentation for specific instructions on how to create a proposal when you are ready. Good luck!

For an example of good reporting, reputation management and use of a video to request funding in a pre-proposal, see this video from Amanda B. Johnson’s extremely popular DASH: Detailed proposal:

A few additional points:

  1. It is currently not possible to pay a budget proposal to a multisig address, or to change the payment address after the proposal is posted to the blockchain.
  2. To avoid accusations of favouritism and inside trading, Dash Core cannot promote your proposal for you. If your proposal is an integration, reach out to the business development team in advance. Once your product is live, it may be possible to announce it from Dash Core channels.
  3. If your proposal is for news, promotion or marketing, make sure you synchronise your efforts with major existing organisations such as Dash Force News or marketing firms contracted by Dash Core.
  4. You are responsible for your own planning to hedge against price volatility. If your proposal involves significant payments to third parties in fiat currency, reach out to Dash Core Group, Inc. or Green Candle, Inc. for advice on escrow, price maintenance, converting currencies and hedging against volatility.
  5. For the same reason, it is not recommended to request funding for period of longer than three months. Masternodes don’t want to see and vote on the same proposal without updates several months in a row, and price volatility makes it a risky proposition both to the network and yourself.
  6. Before entering your budget proposal on the blockchain, check how many proposals already exist for the current budget cycle. If it is likely to become very crowded or if some proposals are requesting a significant portion of the budget, voting is likely to be very competitive with weaker projects being forced out of the budget, even if they collect sufficient votes to pass the 10% threshold. See here for more details.