Dash 0.13 Upgrade Procedure

Dash 0.13.0 implements DIP003, which introduces several changes to how a Dash masternode is set up and operated. A list of available documentation appears below:

It is highly recommended to first read at least the list of changes before continuing in order to familiarize yourself with the new concepts in DIP003. This documentation describes the upgrade procedure in two steps:

  1. Update the masternode software
  2. Register the DIP003 masternode

Step 1 should be done immediately as soon as Dash 0.13.0 is released. Once miners have updated and DIP003 has activated on the network, it will become possible to complete Step 2 and register a DIP003 masternode. After enough masternodes have completed this step, Spork 15 will be enabled and all new network functions will take effect.

Masternode Software Update

Begin by updating the Dash software on your masternode. Depending on whether you installed Dash manually or using dashman, you must follow the procedure appropriate for your masternode, as described below.

Option 1: Updating from dashman

To update Dash using dashman, log in to your server and enter the following commands:

~/dashman/dashman sync
~/dashman/dashman update

Check the status of your masternode:

~/dashman/dashman status

The Dash software on the masternode is now updated. Since Dash 0.13 also updates the protocol version, it is necessary to issue a masternode start from Dash Core or DMT command to keep your masternode in the payment list during the transition period. See the 0.12.3 documentation for more details.

Option 2: Manual update

To update Dash manually, log in to your server using ssh or PuTTY. If your crontab contains an entry to automatically restart dashd, invoke crontab -e and comment out the appropriate line by adding the # character. It should look something like this:

# * * * * * pidof dashd || ~/.dashcore/dashd

Then stop Dash running:

~/.dashcore/dash-cli stop

Visit the GitHub releases page and copy the link to the latest x86_64-linux-gnu version. Go back to your terminal window and enter the following command, pasting in the address to the latest version of Dash Core by right clicking or pressing Ctrl + V:

cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/download/v0.13.0.0-rc10/dashcore-

Verify the integrity of your download by running the following command and comparing the output against the value for the file as shown in the SHA256SUMS.asc file:

sha256sum dashcore-

Extract the compressed archive and copy the new files to the directory:

tar xfv dashcore-
cp -f dashcore-0.13.0/bin/dashd ~/.dashcore/
cp -f dashcore-0.13.0/bin/dash-cli ~/.dashcore/

Restart Dash:


You will see a message reading 「Dash Core server starting」. We will now update Sentinel:

cd ~/.dashcore/sentinel/
git checkout master
git pull

Finally, uncomment the line to automatically restart Dash in your crontab by invoking crontab -e again and deleting the # character.

The Dash software on the masternode is now updated. Since Dash 0.13 also updates the protocol version, it is necessary to issue a masternode start from Dash Core or DMT command to keep your masternode in the payment list during the transition period. See the 0.12.3 documentation for more details.

Masternode Registration from DMT

This documentation describes the procedure to register an existing masternode for the DIP003 masternode list if the collateral is held on a hardware wallet. DIP003 must be activated and DMT 0.9.21 or higher is required. You can update DMT by downloading the version appropriate for your system from the DMT Releases page. Open DMT and ensure your existing masternode configuration appears.


Click the Send ProRegTx button to get started. The Masternode migration wizard appears.


The DMT Masternode migration wizard

All fields are prefilled with suggested values.

  • It should not be necessary to change the Collateral Tx or IP/Port fields if you are using your existing collateral and server.
  • You can optionally modify the Payout address to any valid existing or new Dash address, since it is no longer mandatory to receive payouts at the collateral address.
  • If your masternode is hosted by an external operator, you can specify the percentage of the reward to allocate to the operator in the Operator reward field.
  • The three masternode keys (owner, operator, voting) are newly generated and do not need to be changed.

Click Next when you are ready to continue. DMT will verify the collateral is in place and prepare to create the ProRegTx special transaction to register the masternode on the blockchain. This command must be sent from a Dash Core wallet holding a balance, since a standard transaction fee is involved. You can choose to send this from the DMT developer’s remote RPC node (automatic method), or use your own Dash Core wallet to submit the transaction and specify the source of transaction fees (manual method). Click Continue when you are ready.

Option 1: Automatic method

Note that because Trezor does not yet support Dash special transactions, it is necessary to transmit your owner private key (NOT the collateral private key) to the remote server to sign the registration transaction. Only use the automatic method if you are connected to your own Dash RPC client, or if you trust the operator of the node. You can see the name of the node you are connected to in the lower right corner of the main DMT window. The default nodes in DMT (named alice, luna and suzy) are maintained by the author of DMT, who has kindly offered to cover the transaction fees for the DIP003 upgrade.

DMT will prepare a ProTx message and prompt you to confirm signing the message on your hardware wallet. The signed message will be registered on the blockchain immediately. A window appears with the final configuration information. Click Save to a file and enter a new file name. This file contains various private and public keys related to the ownership, operation and voting for the masternode, so keep it in a secure location. Continue below with the final step of entering the BLS key on the masternode.

Option 2: Manual method

The following window appears:


Manual registration commands in the DMT Masternode migration wizard

Open Dash Core and wait for the blockchain to synchronise. Complete the following steps:

  1. In your Dash Core wallet, select an address to use as the source for the transaction fee and paste it into Field 1.
  2. Open the Debug console by clicking Tools -> Debug console.
  3. Copy and paste the command from Field 2 of DMT into the Dash Core debug console and press Enter.
  4. Copy the output back and paste it into Field 3 field of the DMT Masternode migration wizard.
  5. Click Sign message with hardware wallet and confirm signing the message on your hardware wallet.
  6. Copy the command from Field 4 of DMT, paste it into the Dash Core debug console and press Enter. Dash Core will create a registration transaction on the blockchain.
  7. Copy and paste the transaction hash into Field 5 of the DMT Masternode migration wizard and click Continue.

A window appears with the final configuration information. Click Save to a file and enter a new file name. This file contains various private and public keys related to the ownership, operation and voting for the masternode, so keep it in a secure location.

Enter the BLS key on the masternode

Finally, it is necessary to enter the BLS private key generated by DMT on the masternode itself, or send it to your hosting operator. If you are operating the masternode yourself, log in to your masternode using ssh or PuTTY and edit the configuration file on your masternode as follows:

nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf

The editor appears with the existing masternode configuration. Add this line to the end of the file, replacing the key with your BLS secret key generated above:


Press enter to make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file, then press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. We now need to restart the masternode for this change to take effect. Enter the following commands, waiting a few seconds in between to give Dash Core time to shut down:

~/.dashcore/dash-cli stop

Your masternode is now upgraded to DIP003 and will appear on the Deterministic Masternode List. You can view this list on the Masternodes -> DIP3 Masternodes tab of the Dash Core wallet, or in the console using the command protx list valid, where the txid of the final transaction in Step 5 identifies your DIP003 masternode. Note again that all functions related to DIP003 will only take effect once Spork 15 is enabled on the network. You can view the spork status using the spork active command.

Masternode Registration from Dash Core

This documentation describes the procedure to register an existing masternode for the DIP003 masternode list if the collateral is held in the Dash Core software full wallet. DIP003 must be activated. The commands are shown as if they were entered in the Dash Core GUI by opening the console from Tools > Debug console, but the same result can be achieved on a masternode by entering the same commands and adding the prefix ~/.dashcore/dash-cli to each command.

Generate a BLS key pair

A public/private BLS key pair is required for the operator of the masternode. If you are using a hosting service, they will provide you with their public key, and you can skip this step. If you are hosting your own masternode, generate a BLS public/private keypair as follows:

bls generate

  "secret": "565950700d7bdc6a9dbc9963920bc756551b02de6e4711eff9ba6d4af59c0101",
  "public": "01d2c43f022eeceaaf09532d84350feb49d7e72c183e56737c816076d0e803d4f86036bd4151160f5732ab4a461bd127"

These keys are NOT stored by the wallet and must be kept secure, similar to the value provided in the past by the masternode genkey command.

Add the private key to your masternode configuration

The public key will be used in following steps. The BLS secret key must be entered in the dash.conf file on the masternode. This allows the masternode to watch the blockchain for relevant Pro*Tx transactions, and will cause it to start serving as a masternode when the signed ProRegTx is broadcast by the owner (final step below). Log in to your masternode using ssh or PuTTY and edit the configuration file on your masternode as follows:

nano ~/.dashcore/dash.conf

The editor appears with the existing masternode configuration. Add this line to the end of the file, replacing the key with your BLS secret key generated above:


Press enter to make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file, then press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file. We now need to restart the masternode for this change to take effect. Enter the following commands, waiting a few seconds in between to give Dash Core time to shut down:

~/.dashcore/dash-cli stop

We will now prepare the transaction used to register a DIP003 masternode on the network.

Prepare a ProRegTx transaction

First, we need to get a new, unused address from the wallet to serve as the owner address. This is different to the collateral address. It must also be used as the voting address if Spork 15 is not yet active. Generate a new address as follows:



Then either generate or choose an existing second address to receive the owner’s masternode payouts:



You can also optionally generate and fund a third address to pay the transaction fee. The private key to this address must be available to the wallet submitting the transaction to the network. We will now prepare an unsigned ProRegTx special transaction using the protx register_prepare command. This command has the following syntax:

protx register_prepare collateralHash collateralIndex ipAndPort ownerKeyAddr
  operatorPubKey votingKeyAddr operatorReward payoutAddress (feeSourceAddress)

Open a text editor such as notepad to prepare this command. Replace each argument to the command as follows:

  • collateralHash: The txid of the 1000 Dash collateral funding transaction
  • collateralIndex: The output index of the 1000 Dash funding transaction
  • ipAndPort: Masternode IP address and port, in the format x.x.x.x:yyyy
  • ownerKeyAddr: The new Dash address generated above for the owner/voting address
  • operatorPubKey: The BLS public key generated above (or provided by your hosting service)
  • votingKeyAddr: The new Dash address generated above, or the address of a delegate, used for proposal voting
  • operatorReward: The percentage of the block reward allocated to the operator as payment
  • payoutAddress: A new or existing Dash address to receive the owner’s masternode rewards
  • feeSourceAddress: An (optional) address used to fund ProTx fee. payoutAddress will be used if not specified.

Note that the operator is responsible for specifying their own reward address in a separate update_service transaction if you specify a non-zero operatorReward. The owner of the masternode collateral does not specify the operator’s payout address.

Example (remove line breaks if copying):

protx register_prepare


  "tx": "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",
  "collateralAddress": "yPd75LrstM268Sr4hD7RfQe5SHtn9UMSEG",
  "signMessage": "ycBFJGv7V95aSs6XvMewFyp1AMngeRHBwy|0|yc98KR6YQRo1qZVBhp2ZwuiNM7hcrMfGfz|yc98KR6YQRo1qZVBhp2ZwuiNM7hcrMfGfz|54e34b8b996839c32f91e28a9e5806ec5ba5a1dadcffe47719f5b808219acf84"

Next we will use the collateralAddress and signMessage fields to sign the transaction, and the output of the tx field to submit the transaction.

Sign the ProRegTx transaction

Now we will sign the content of the signMessage field using the private key for the collateral address as specified in collateralAddress. Note that no internet connection is required for this step, meaning that the wallet can remain disconnected from the internet in cold storage to sign the message. In this example we will again use Dash Core, but it is equally possible to use the signing function of a hardware wallet. The command takes the following syntax:

signmessage address message


signmessage yPd75LrstM268Sr4hD7RfQe5SHtn9UMSEG ycBFJGv7V95aSs6XvMewFyp1AMngeRHBwy|0|yc98KR6YQRo1qZVBhp2ZwuiNM7hcrMfGfz|yc98KR6YQRo1qZVBhp2ZwuiNM7hcrMfGfz|54e34b8b996839c32f91e28a9e5806ec5ba5a1dadcffe47719f5b808219acf84



Submit the signed message

We will now create the ProRegTx special transaction to register the masternode on the blockchain. This command must be sent from a Dash Core wallet holding a balance, since a standard transaction fee is involved. The command takes the following syntax:

protx register_submit tx sig


  • tx: The serialized transaction previously returned in the tx output field from protx register_prepare in Step 2
  • sig: The message signed with the collateral key from Step 3


protx register_submit 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 IMf5P6WT60E+QcA5+ixors38umHuhTxx6TNHMsf9gLTIPcpilXkm1jDglMpK+JND0W3k/Z+NzEWUxvRy71NEDns=



Your masternode is now upgraded to DIP003 and will appear on the Deterministic Masternode List after the transaction is mined to a block. You can view this list on the Masternodes -> DIP3 Masternodes tab of the Dash Core wallet, or in the console using the command protx list valid, where the txid of the final protx register_submit transaction identifies your DIP003 masternode. Note again that all functions related to DIP003 will only take effect once Spork 15 is enabled on the network. You can view the spork status using the spork active command.