

MyDashWallet is a web interface to the Dash blockchain, inspired by MyEtherWallet and created by It is explicitly not an online wallet, meaning you maintain control over your private keys at all times. Unlike many other light wallets, MyDashWallet also supports advanced Dash features such as InstantSend and CoinJoin. The project is non-profit, open source and free to use. You can load a wallet and transact in a variety of wallet formats:

  • Billetera de almacenamiento de llaves (basada en archivos)

  • Billetera de hardware Ledger

  • Billetera de hardware Trezor

  • Llave privada

  • Frase de recuperación BIP39/44 HD (próximamente)

  • Frase de recuperación BIP32 HD (próximamente)

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

MyDashWallet ofrece una documetación completa y detallada de todas sus funciones

../_images/mydashwallet-start.png ../_images/mydashwallet-opened.png

Magnum Wallet


Magnum Wallet es una wallet web con soporte para mas de 20+ criptodivisas, incluyendo Dash. Esta cartera almacena las llaves privadas de forma cifrada en un archivo de texto descargable, el cual puede ser descifrada por la contraseña del usuario. Las carteras de hardware también son soportadas y una funcionalidad de stacking existe y esta disponible. Magnum Wallet presenta una interfaz sencilla y simple que permite al usuario tranzar rápidamente con Dash.

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

Soporte para la Magnum Wallet esta disponible en




WestWallet is a multicurrency web wallet for storing, sharing and transferring the most popular cryptocurrencies. The wallet includes an automatable instant exchange, instant transfers between users and automatic withdrawal.

Please note that web wallets may not be as secure as alternatives such as hardware wallets. Be aware of the risk of storing large amounts of Dash in keyfile wallets, since they are an easier target to attack than mobile or hardware wallets.

Support for WestWallet is available at