
Mining in the context of cryptocurrency such as Dash refers to the process of searching for solutions to cryptographically difficult problems as a method of securing blocks on the blockchain. The process of mining creates new currency tokens as a reward to the miner. Mining is possible on a range of hardware. Dash implements an algorithm known as X11, which the miner must solve in order to earn rewards. A number of X11 ASICs are available on the market, which help make Dash secure against brute force attacks on the blockchain.


主节点 vs. 挖矿#


Dash works a little differently from Bitcoin, however, because it has a two-tier network. The second tier is powered by masternodes (Full Nodes), which enable financial privacy (CoinJoin), instant transactions (InstantSend), and the decentralized governance and budget system. Because this second tier is so important, masternodes are also rewarded when miners discover new blocks. The breakdown is as follows: 80% of the block subsidy is split between the miner and a masternode per the distribution found here, while 20% is reserved for the budget system (created by superblocks every month).




Mining Dash in pools is more likely to generate rewards than solo mining directly on the blockchain. Mining dash using P2Pool is strongly encouraged, since it is a good way to distribute, rather than centralize, the hashing power.

If you would like to set up your own P2Pool, documentation of the process is available here and the code for p2pool-dash is available on GitHub. Other mining pools are listed below and may be advantageous for different reasons such as ping latency, uptime, fee, users, etc. A guide to using a typical mining pool can be found here.

DISCLAIMER: This list is provided for informational purposes only. Services listed here have not been evaluated or endorsed by the Dash developers and no guarantees are made as to the accuracy of this information. Please exercise discretion when using third-party services. If you’d like to be added to this list, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

除了加入矿池之外,用户还需要创建达世币地址以便接收资金。如需浏览在Dash Core钱包内的操作,请点击此处



Please note that the information on this page may become obsolete very quickly due to the rapidly changing market and difficulty of mining Dash. You are responsible for carrying out your own research and any listing on this page should not be considered an endorsement of any particular product. A good place to begin your research is the mining section of the Dash Forums.






尺寸 (mm)


Bitmain Antminer D5

119 GH/s ±5%

1566 W

7.5 kg

486 x 265 x 388


Spondoolies SPx36

540 GH/s ±10%

4400 W

19.5 kg

640 x 525 x 185


StrongU STU-U6

420 GH/s ±8%

2100 W

8.5 kg

370 x 135 x 208

ASIC resellers may also have miners available: