- 保持您的提案清晰
- 进行提案前的讨论
Get feedback from the community before you post your proposal to the blockchain. A discussion period of around two weeks will help you find out if someone has proposed something similar in the past, and whether it succeeded or failed. There are pre-proposal channels on the forum and Dash Discord, and Reddit also attracts a lot of views - consider the discussion on these channels to be the research phase of your proposal. Later, you can post a link to the forum discussion when your proposal goes live to show you are including community feedback in your work.
- 管理您的身份和声誉
达世币社区是该网络最强大的特性之一,而且它总是欢迎新人。但是,由于提案的运作方式,需要存在一定的信任,相信当提案通过后,所承诺的工作能够完成。如果您是新来的,可以考虑先从一个较小的提案开始,以证明您有能力根据时间和预算完成任务。在提案上附上您的真名或 Keybase 有助于建立信任。如果您提出了一个很大金额的提案,那就召集团队,委派 (或雇佣) 一个人作为社区联络人,因为以多个账户进行交流沟通可能会产生问题。
- 为您的提案组织一波激情的宣传
Proposals with a video or website have a far greater chance of succeeding! Uploading a video gives your proposal a human touch and a chance to convey your enthusiasm in a way that isn’t always possible in text. Post your video to the forum and DashCentral, become a regular on Discord or run a webinar to explain the proposal and answer questions. Put some work in before you ask for funding to demonstrate your involvement with Dash - but don’t be annoying and spam many channels asking for votes.
- 展示您对网络的承诺
如果您想要申请大量资金来建立或扩大一家建立在达世币项目上的盈利性企业,您需要解释:为什么需要这笔资金,需要多长时间,以及您所提供的回报。通过将达世币中提供的资金与您自己的业务或投资者的资金相匹配,展示您在项目中的利益和风险是非常有帮助的。股权协议或排他性协议可以与Dash Core Group, Inc.达成,但在发布提案之前必须以书面形式澄清。
- 尽早发布您的提案,使自己有时间回答问题
投票窗口将在超级块的前1662个区块(前3天)关闭。为了给主节点运营者足够的时间对您的提案进行考虑、讨论和投票,您必须在投票截止日期之前发布提案 - 等待下一个超级块好于仓促发布!当提案出现在区块链上或您在DashCentral上对提案发出声明时,大多数主节点将第一时间看到您的提案。主节点所有者之间最初几个小时的讨论通常会提出许多问题,且这些讨论对影响意见和投票至关重要,所以在这段时间内请让自己空闲出来回答问题。
- 当您的提案通过时,保持与社区的更新
- 大金额提案的酌情安排
If you are requesting a significant amount of funding, there is an understandable concern that you will deliver on your promises to the network. Reach out to the Dash Investment Foundation in advance for advice on escrow or providing equity, and make the conditions public and part of the proposal. If your proposal is so large that uses a significant percentage of the budget, there is a risk that approving your proposal will bump smaller proposals out of the budget. Consider breaking your proposal into smaller monthly payments instead.
请参阅 此文档 查看在您做好准备时如何创建提案的具体说明。祝您好运!
关于良好报道、声誉管理和使用视频在预提案中申请资金的例子,请参阅来自 Amanda B. Johnson非常受欢迎的 DASH: Detailed 提案的视频:
It is currently not possible to change the payment address after the proposal is posted to the blockchain.
为了避免偏袒和内部交易的指责,Dash Core不能为您推广您的提案。如果您的提案是整合提案,请提前与业务开发团队联系。当您的产品上线后,或许可以从Dash Core 渠道对其进行宣传。
如果您的提案用于新闻,推广或营销,确保将您的努力与现有的主要机构,如Dash Force News或Dash Core保持同步。
You are responsible for your own planning to hedge against price volatility. If your proposal involves significant payments to third parties in fiat currency, reach out to the Dash Investment Foundation in advance for advice on escrow, price maintenance, converting currencies and hedging against volatility.
在区块链上输入您的预算提案之前,请检查当前预算周期内已经存在了多少提案。如果提案过多可能会变得非常拥挤,或者如果有一些提案的申请占据预算总金额的很大一部分,投票很可能非常有竞争力,即使他们获得足够的票数超过了10%的门槛,也可能被迫踢出预算。请参阅 此处 以了解更多详细信息。