SDKs ( 软件开发包) 用来加速设计和开发一个 Dash 网络产品。这些资源可被用来与一个 API 提供者交互或通过构造交易与执行不同的钱包功能来创建独立应用。

The Dash Developer Portal aims to provide the information you need to understand Dash and start building Dash-based applications. To make the best use of this documentation, you may want to install the current version of Dash Core and Dash Platform, either from source, from a pre-compiled executable or from Docker Hub.
Dash Core: https://docs.dash.org/core
Dash Platform: https://dashplatform.readme.io/
NodeJS/JavaScript: Dashcore#

Dashcore是Bitcore的一个分叉。它以一个达世币全节点的方式运行 — 也就是说,应用程序将在P2P网络上直接运行。对于钱包应用的开发来说,研发者需要增加额外的索引,以便查询地址余额、交易历史记录和未经支出的额度。
Documentation: dashpay/dashcore-lib
Repository lib: dashpay/dashcore-lib
Repository node: dashpay/dashcore-node
See also: Insight API
NodeJS/JavaScript: DashJS#
DashJS allows you to transact on L1 or fetch/register documents on L2 within a single library, including management and signing of your documents.
Documentation: https://dashpay.github.io/platform/SDK/
Repository: dashpay/platform
PHP: Bitcoin-PHP#
Bitcoin-PHP 是纯PHP 实现的支持 Dash 的 Bitcoin。
平台: PHP
Documentation: Bit-Wasp/bitcoin-php
Python: PyCoin#
PyCoin 是一个在处理 Bitcoin 与 Dash 时很有用的一系列工具。已在 Python 2.7, 3.6 和 3.7环境下测试。
平台: Python
资源库: richardkiss/pycoin
Java: DashJ#

DashJ是一个适用于达世币协议的库。它可以维护钱包的运行,支持达世币的接收与发送(包括即时发送功能),同时还具备许多其它高级功能,而且还无需建立Dash Core钱包的副本。虽然它要借助Java才能实现各项功能,但它也可以借助Java虚拟机的兼容语言,其中包括Python和JavaScript中的示例。
Documentation: https://bitcoinj.org/getting-started
Repository: dashpay/dashj
Objective-C: Dash-Sync#

Dash-Sync 是一个用于 iOS 的 Objective-C Dash 区块链框架。它实现了所有与 Bitcoin 改进提案 (BIPs) 和 Dash 改进提案 (DIPs)相关的内容。
平台: iOS
Repository: dashpay/dashsync-iOS
.NET: NBitcoin#

NBitcoin is the most complete Bitcoin library for the .NET platform and has been patched to include support for Dash. It implements all most relevant Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) and Dash Improvement Proposals (DIPs). It also provides low level access to Dash primitives so you can easily build your application on top of it.
Documentation: https://programmingblockchain.gitbook.io/programmingblockchain/

Repositories: https://www.blockcypher.com/dev/bitcoin/