Dash Core钱包内含一系列用于发送和接收达世币的地址。每个地址都存有一定的余额,而各个地址上的余额会显示在 总览 选项卡上。如果用户发送达世币,那么钱包将自动将资金从这些地址上转移到收款方的钱包地址上。用户可以通过货币控制功能来选定发送达世币时所用的地址。
When you confirm a transaction, Dash Core will enter the transaction in a block, which will then be added to the blockchain for other clients to confirm. A transaction is generally considered confirmed once six blocks have been added after the block containing your transaction, although masternode and mining payments are only released after 101 blocks. Note that a different process is used for InstantSend and CoinJoin transactions.
用户可以通过Dash Core钱包将余额发送给他人。收款方需要提供接收资金的达世币地址。在获取收款地址后,用户可以单击选项卡栏上的 发送 选项卡,然后在 支付给 字段中输入收款地址。

Dash Core钱包的发送选项卡#
用户还可以通过位于 支付给 字段的右边的发送图标来选择之前用过的地址、从剪贴板上复制粘贴地址或清除当前的地址。如果输入的是新的地址,用户可以通过 标签 字段来为该地址命名,以便将来识别地址的所有人。最后,用户还要在 金额 字段中输入想要发送的达世币金额。
The other options relate to fees. You can choose if you want to pay the network fee in addition to the amount sent, or subtract it from the amount sent. You can also increase your fee to encourage nodes on the network to prioritize your transaction.
Let’s try an example. Say you have received an invoice which you now want to pay with Dash. The writer of the invoice has included a Dash address, which can be seen in the following window beginning with yWa. The invoice is for 2.5 Dash, which you fill in the Amount field.

输入收款地址和金额后,用户需要单击 发送 按键。如果用户已经对钱包进行了加密,那么用户还需要输入密码来解锁。

最后要提醒的一点是,在Dash Core钱包处理区块链上的交易之前,用户还有机会进行最终确认或取消正在进行的交易。

如果用户的确认 是,那么用户的交易将得到处理。之后,用户的操作系统将会弹出通知,而交易情况将会在交易选项卡上自动更新,以便用户掌握交易进程。

Windows 10操作系统发送的交易确认通知#
Note that the amount of the transaction increased by .00003926 Dash. This is the transaction fee. In the next section, we will see what this procedure looks like from the receiving side.
Stuck transactions can be resent one-by-one using the “Resend transactions” option in the menu.

Resending transactions#
To receive Dash, you must first create a receiving address to give to the sending party. To do this, click the Receive tab in the tab bar.

Create a new address by clicking the Request new receiving address button.

The Request payment window#
Click Copy Address on the Request payment window that opens and give this address to the person who will send you Dash. Your wallet does not need to be open to receive funds, but if it is, you can watch the transaction arrive in real time. This is because your wallet constantly watches for new blocks on the blockchain when it is open, and will recognize a new transaction involving your receiving address when it occurs.

Windows 10操作系统收到的交易确认通知#
收到付款后,用户可以在 总览 和 交易 选项卡上查看余额。

Viewing Addresses#
To view all previously created receiving addresses, click Window > Receiving addresses. In the same way, sending addresses can be seen by clicking Window > Sending addresses.

You can edit an existing address by right clicking and selecting Edit address from the context menu.