A multi-phased fork, colloquially known as a "spork", is a mechanism unique to Dash used to safely deploy new features to the network through network-level variables to avoid the risk of unintended network forking during upgrades. It can also be used to disable certain features if a security vulnerability is discovered - see the features page for a brief introduction to sporks.
Enforcement of spork-controlled code can be activated remotely by members of the core development team signing a network message using a relevant private key. Should problems arise, the code can be deactivated in the same manner, without the need for a network-wide rollback or client update. This documentation describes the meaning of each spork currently existing on the network, and how to check their respective statuses.
وظائف Spork#
يتم تعيين Sporks باستخدام قيم عدد صحيح. قد يتم تعيين العديد من spaccs إلى تاريخ معين (عدد الثواني التي انقضت منذ 1 يناير 1970) لتحديد الوقت الذي سيتم تنشيطه فيه. يتم تعيين sporks ممكّن إلى 0 (بالثواني حتى التنشيط). غالبًا ما يتم استخدام هذه الوظيفة لتعيين تاريخ تمكين spork حتى الآن في المستقبل بحيث يتم تعطيله بشكل فعال حتى يتم تغييره. تتوفر حاليًا السكاتور التالية على الشبكة وتؤدي وظائف كما هو موضح أدناه
Changed in version v21.0.0: Mainnet spork values were hardened by immutably setting them. Sporks continue to be valuable for testing on other networks; however, on mainnet, the risks of maintaining them now outweigh the benefits of retaining them.
Governs the ability of Dash clients to use InstantSend functionality. InstantSend is described in DIP0010 LLMQ-based InstantSend.
في حالة التمكين ، سترفض ماسترنود كتل تحتوي على معاملات في تعارض مع معاملات الإرسال الفوري مؤمنة ولكن غير مؤمنة.
إذا تم تمكينها ، يتم التحقق من superblocks وإصدارها لدفع الفائزين بالاقتراح.
Enables the DKG process to create LLMQ quorums. This spork will be turned on once 80% masternodes are upgraded to v0.14, which will enable DKG and DKG-based PoSe.
Enables ChainLocks, a mechanism of preventing the risk to payments introduced by blockchain reorganization events. ChainLocks are described in DIP0008 ChainLocks.
Enables connections between all masternodes in a quorum to optimize the signature recovery process.
Enforces Proof of Service requirements for masternodes to support a minimum protocol version and maintain open ports.
Supports enhanced hard fork (EHF) testing.
رؤية حالة spork#
The spork show
and spork active
commands issued in the debug
window (or from dash-cli
on a masternode) allow you to interact with
sporks. You can open the debug window by selecting Window > Console.

عرض spork الإخراج النشط في وحدة تصحيح الأخطاء داش كور#