Hosting Services#

Several Dash community members offer masternode hosting services. This service can be realized securely without the customer ever giving up control of the 1000 DASH required for collateral. For security reasons, it is highly recommended to keep the collateral on a hardware wallet when taking advantage of a hosting service. A list of currently available masternode hosting services is available below.

List of hosting services#

Disclaimer: Dash Core may be affiliated with these community members, but is not involved in the provision of any of these services.



  • Operated by: CrowdNode ApS

  • Services: Hosting, Shares

  • Cost:
    • 35% of trusted masternode/evonode payments

    • 20% of trustless masternode payments

  • Site

  • Email



SID Hosting Service#


  • Operated by: splawik21 (Dash Core team member)

  • Services: Hosting

  • Cost: €25/month, paid in Dash

  • Site

  • Email

Pool of Stake#


  • Operated by: Pool of Stake OÜ

  • Services: Hosting, Shares

  • 15% of masternode payments (5% with tokens)

  • Site

  • Email

  • Twitter

  • Telegram



  • Operated by: Staked

  • Services: Hosting, Reporting

  • Cost: 10% of rewards

  • Site

  • Email


  • Operated by: NodeHub LLC

  • Services: Hosting, Governance, Stats, Monitoring

  • Cost: $4.80/month (charged daily at $0.16)

  • Accepts DASH as payment

  • Site

  • Email

  • Twitter

  • Telegram

  • Discord



  • Operated by: Gentarium International OÜ

  • Services: Hosting, Shares

  • Cost: $3.99/month (charged daily at $0.15)

  • Site

  • Email

  • Twitter

  • Discord


  • Operated by: flare (Dash Core team member)

  • Services: Hosting

  • Cost: €18/month

  • Site

  • Email

  • Forum

Registering a hosted masternode#

A list of available documentation appears below:

Registering a hosted masternode is done in several steps:

  1. Send 1000 DASH to an address you control in a single transaction and wait for 15 confirmations

  2. Correspond with your hosting provider to determine who will generate the operator BLS keys, whether their fee will be paid by an operator reward percentage or according to a separate contract, and whether the masternode will be set up before or after the registration transaction

  3. Prepare, sign and broadcast the registration transaction using Dash Core or DMT

It is highly recommended to store the keys to your masternode collateral on a hardware wallet for added security against hackers. Since the hardware wallet is only used to sign a transaction, there is no need to ever connect this wallet to the internet. However, a Dash Core wallet with balance (for the transaction fee) is required to submit the registration transaction. The masternode registration process closely follows the setup guide, beginning from the registration step.

Operator transactions#

This documentation is intended for operators managing nodes on behalf of owners. If you provide an IP address and port of a synchronized full node with your masternodeblsprivkey entered in the dash.conf file as descibed here to the masternode owner, it will appear in the valid masternode set immediately after they submit the protx register_submit command as described above. If the full node is not running, or if the owner submits 0 for the ipAndPort, then the node will be registered in a PoSe-banned state. In this case, the operator will need to issue a ProUpServTx transaction to update the service features and register the masternode.

The ProRegTx submitted by the owner also specifies the percentage reward for the operator. It does not specify the operator’s reward address, so a ProUpServTx is also required to claim this reward by specifying a Dash address. If the reward is not claimed, it will be paid to the owner in full.