ElectrumX Server#

ElectrumX is a lightweight Electrum server written in Python that supports a variety of cryptocurrencies including Dash. It provides the backend services necessary to support the Dash Electrum wallet.

An ElectrumX server requires running a full node in addition to the ElectrumX software. The following steps assume a Dash Core full node has already been installed on the server and is configured with transaction indexing enabled (txindex=1 in dash.conf).


Please see this page (VPS setup) and this page (OS setup) for details regarding server configuration. When creating the new user, use electrumx for the user name.

Check Dash Core Configuration#

Before beginning the ElectrumX setup, make sure that your Dash Core node is configured to allow RPC access and perform transaction indexing. These settings can be checked by viewing the dash.conf configuration file (default location).

RPC Access#

The dash.conf file must include values for rpcuser, rpcpassword, and rpcallowip (it may also include rpcport). They will be used in the Set network values step of Install and Configure ElectrumX . If the values are not present, add them as shown below.


Reemplaza los campos marcados con XXXXXXX de la siguiente manera:

  • rpcuser: ingresa cualquier cadena de números o letras, no se permiten caracteres especiales

  • rpcpassword: ingresa cualquier cadena de números o letras, no se permiten caracteres especiales

Transaction Indexing#

Make sure the following line is present in dash.conf. If it’s not present, add it and restart the node using the -reindex option. Note that reindexing can take a long time.


Install Dependencies#

Python 3.7 is required for ElectrumX, build-essential and -dev version of Python are required for x11_hash, and daemontools is required to manage the ElectrumX service.

Install Python 3.7 and the required build tools via the package system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # the repo with python3.7
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common build-essential daemontools python3.7-dev python3-pip

Now that Python 3.7 is installed, make it the default version:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 1

Since the default version of Python has potentially changed, reinstall setuptools and then install X11 library:

pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall setuptools
pip3 install x11_hash

Generate an SSL key and an associated certificate file for the server:

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

Install and Configure ElectrumX#

Install ElectrumX#

Clone ElectrumX from GitHub via git:

git clone https://github.com/spesmilo/electrumx.git

Build and install the project:

cd electrumx && sudo python3 setup.py install && pip3 install . --upgrade && cd

Configure ElectrumX#

Create the ElectrumX directories and copy files into them. These directories will be located in the electrumx user’s home directory:

mkdir -p scripts service data/electrumx-server var/log/electrumx
cp -R /home/electrumx/electrumx/contrib/daemontools scripts/electrumx

Set the server banner message and the coin type that the server will host:

echo '$SERVER_SUBVERSION running on $DAEMON_SUBVERSION' > /home/electrumx/electrumx/banner
echo "/home/electrumx/electrumx/banner" > scripts/electrumx/env/BANNER_FILE
echo "Dash" > scripts/electrumx/env/COIN

Set network values:

ElectrumX requires Dash Core RPC details so it can connect properly. Set RPC_USER, RPC_PASS, RPC_IP, and RPC_PORT variables to the values found in your dash.conf file. These values were previously checked in the RPC Access section.

Use the values provided below for the ElectrumX network setting if configuring a Testnet server. If configuring a Mainnet server, use the alternate values shown in the comments.

# Values from dash.conf
RPC_PORT=19998  # 9998 for mainnet

# ElectrumX network settings
NETWORK=testnet # or "mainnet"
PORT_01=51001   # or 50001 for mainnet
PORT_02=51002   # or 50002 for mainnet
EXTERNAL_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me)

# Write configuration details to ElectrumX script files
echo "http://$RPC_USER:$RPC_PASS@$RPC_IP:$RPC_PORT/" > scripts/electrumx/env/DAEMON_URL
echo "/home/electrumx/data/electrumx-server/" > scripts/electrumx/env/DB_DIRECTORY
echo "/home/electrumx/electrumx/electrumx_server" > scripts/electrumx/env/ELECTRUMX
echo "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" > scripts/electrumx/env/LOG_FORMAT
echo "128" > scripts/electrumx/env/MAX_SESSIONS # might want less on testnet, something like 32
echo "$NETWORK" > scripts/electrumx/env/NET
echo "tcp://$EXTERNAL_IP:$PORT_01,ssl://$EXTERNAL_IP:$PORT_02" > scripts/electrumx/env/REPORT_SERVICES
echo "tcp://:$PORT_01,ssl://:$PORT_02,rpc://" > scripts/electrumx/env/SERVICES

# Enable firewall access for ElectrumX ports and reload ufw
sudo ufw allow $PORT_01 # ElectrumX
sudo ufw allow $PORT_02 # ElectrumX
sudo ufw reload

Set the SSL values:

echo "/home/electrumx/server.crt" > scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_CERTFILE
echo "/home/electrumx/server.key" > scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_KEYFILE

Set the ElectrumX username to match our current user:

echo "electrumx" > scripts/electrumx/env/USERNAME

Set the ElectrumX log directory:

The log directory path is set in the scripts/electrumx/log/run file. Replace the /path/to/log/ line in that file with /home/electrumx/var/log/electrumx:

sed -i scripts/electrumx/log/run -e "s/\/path\/to\/log\/dir/\/home\/electrumx\/var\/log\/electrumx/"

Manage ElectrumX as a service#

Add the service#

svscan /home/electrumx/service & disown
ln -s /home/electrumx/scripts/electrumx/ /home/electrumx/service/electrumx

Start the service#

svc -u /home/electrumx/service/electrumx

Stop the service#

svc -d /home/electrumx/service/electrumx

View Logs#

tail -100f ~/var/log/electrumx/current